Fantastic Four 2015 reboot may feature future Marvel crossovers

20th Century Fox

A rebooted take on the famed Fantastic Four is set for August 7, 2015 and while many are eagerly awaiting what awaits them once the film hits cinemas, others are already talking about potential crossovers.

Miles Teller, who will be portraying the role of Mr. Fantastic, seems to be open to the idea although he did emphasize that his priority at the moment is establishing himself in the rebooted film before thinking ahead.

Hearing about crossovers is nothing new, apparently something that has come up with comic book fans who have seen Marvel superheroes team up multiple times. However, such may not be as easy when seen on the big screen hence, the expected apprehension at least until Fox determines how successful they have come once the film is shown this August.

For him, the idea of pairing up with other Marvel superheroes like Wolverine is something that he would be open to doing. But before moving ahead and entertaining that thought, the rebooted Fantastic Four must prove its worth first.

Putting a stamp on the new Fantastic Four is his main prerogative. His intention is the same as that which X-Men has achieved, and from the looks of it the rebooted Fantastic Four is headed in that direction.

Crossovers? Well it shouldn't be surprising if Fox/Marvel is indeed doing that right now. You can check out the teaser trailer and see for yourself if such could be happening any time soon.

Hence, that opens a window which critics and Marvel followers can surely munch on, at least for now.

But first thing's first, let us see how Fantastic Four fares once it hits the big screen.

Mark the date, August 7, 2015!