'Fast & Furious 8' cast rumors: Eva Mendes' return and more of Kurt Russell's Mr. Nobody?

Eva Mendes as Agent Monica Fuentes in Fast FiveUniversal

Speeding its way to the box office, "Furious 7" raked in $387 million the weekend it hit cinemas across the globe. Some previous flicks in "The Fast and the Furious" franchise were record-breakers, too, but this feat is the biggest one yet. 

This immediately opened up the case about an inevitable follow-up dubbed as "Fast & Furious 8." Rumor mills went ahead and looked into the possibility, and how far it can be stretched as far as storyline and cast are concerned. 

At the moment, the Internet is bouncing around news about the potential return of Eva Mendes. The actress/ model starred as Monica Fuentes in two "Fast & Furious" films — back in 2003 in "2 Fast 2 Furious" and a cameo at the end of "Fast Five." 

An Instagram post shared by tipster Umberto Gonzalez of Latino Review suggested that the upcoming "NY based #Fast8 story will depend on whether they can bring back Eva Mendes' character: US Customs Agent Monica Fuentes." 

It looks like Mendes' days of going undercover in the record-smashing franchise are far from over, if the rumors that suggest her inclusion in "Fast & Furious 8" are to be believed. Unfortunately at the moment, this is unfounded. 

"Fast & Furious 8" has not even been officially announced yet. However, Vin Diesel, who plays Dominic Toretto in the films, already has an idea of how it will all come down in the action-packed flick. 

"Kurt Russell came in for this movie but he was really, we really hired him because of a story that follows this that takes place in New York," the actor told Jimmy Kimmel during his stopover in the latter's late night talk show. "So it's just like just some cool stuff that not everybody knows."  

If that's the case, then fans have not seen the last of black ops leader Mr. Nobody and his schemes.