FBI says No Imminent Threat in US from German Terrorist Plot

American authorities see no imminent threat in the United States following the arrest in Germany of three men accused of being behind a plan by Islamist militants to launch bomb attacks, the FBI said on Wednesday.

FBI spokesman Richard Kolko said his agency and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security were monitoring the situation in Germany.

"We see no imminent threat to the U.S. domestically following these arrests. We have been closely coordinating with the Germans on this case," Kolko said.

German federal prosecutor Monika Harms said the men, two German nationals and one Turk, had been seen scouting U.S. installations such as discos, pubs and airports.

"It is also a strong reminder for us that there are people out there, not only in the United States but in Europe and elsewhere who are affiliated with terror groups and who are intent on doing harm," said State Department spokesman Tom Casey.

Casey said the United States looked daily at how it could strengthen security at its diplomatic and other U.S. government facilities worldwide but he was not aware of any new measures as a result of the arrests.

"Our embassies are open for business as are all consulates," said Casey.