Fears of Increased Persecution as Indian State Introduces Anti-Conversion Law

The government of Rajasthan in India has become the sixth state in the country to introduce an anti-conversion law, Christian Solidarity Worldwide has reported.

|TOP|Currently the government is drawing up the framework for the new legislation, and once these rules have been laid down the law will be implemented immediately.

However, Christians, Dalits and civil rights groups are planning to challenge the law in India’s Supreme Court as soon as the law is implemented.

The Rajasthan Dharma Swatantraya (Freedom of Religion) Act will outlaw any attempt to convert another person from one religion to another “by use of force or by allurement or by fraudulent means”.

The law is allegedly intended to “maintain harmony amongst persons of various religions”. However, there is widespread fear that the opposite will take place.

The punishments specified by the law are a prison term of ‘not less than two years’ or a fine of up to 50,000 rupees (approximately £650), report CSW.

|AD|Already in another five states in India anti-conversion laws have been put in place, and it is well-known that Christians have been the target of intense attacks from Hindu extremists in the country. A common occurrence now it for these extremists to accuse Christians of converting people by ‘force’ or ‘fraud’.

Religious minorities have been highlighted by critics as the ones that will suffer the most under the new laws. Many have argued that the law contains a number of deep flaws which will damage religious freedom.

In particular, the terms used in the bill are extremely vague and could easily be used to restrict a wide range of religious activities, explain CSW.

CSW state: “For example, the bill seeks to prevent people from attempting to convert others by ‘allurement’. This could inhibit charitable work, especially among Dalits and the more vulnerable sections of society. Additionally, the fact that even attempting to convert others is outlawed threatens any religious propagation.”

It is also a concern that the new law is being targeted specifically towards Dalits, to restrict their freedom of faith.

The law gives a definition that a “person’s religion as that of their forefathers, and therefore obstructs them from adopting a different religion from that of their parents.”

India’s culture means that Dalits are born into a very strict caste system, and the law limits their freedom to adopt religion according to their individual choice. Hence, it forces them to remain in their position of the caste system.

CSW report: “Critics suggest that because this law threatens religious and charitable activities, it has serious implications for the freedom of faith for Dalits, and will contribute to their subjugation.”

Alexa Papadouris, Advocacy Director at CSW, said, “The introduction of this law is deeply concerning, and an affront to India’s constitutionally protected religious freedom. We call on the international community to fully support those in India who are protesting against this law and other anti-conversion laws in India, to safeguard the full religious freedom of all India’s citizens.”