Fears of more violence after second Hindu leader killed in Orissa

|PIC1|The murder of a second Hindu fundamentalist leader in Orissa has sparked fears of a fresh wave of violence.

The culprits are believed to be Maoist rebels, according to Voice of the Martyrs Canada (VOMC).

VOMC said that around 15 men attacked and shot Prabbhat Panigrahi, a member of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), a Hindu fundamentalist group. Last year, dozens of people, mainly Christians, were killed and tens of thousands displaced when Maoists killed another leader of the group.

The Hindus blamed Christians for last year’s killing and are pointing the finger at the Christian community for the latest murder.

Panigrahi was recently released from prison after being arrested in connection with the anti-Christian riots. The Maoists have issued a hit list of 14 RSS leaders to be targeted, allegedly because of their involvement in the anti-Christian activities.

The RSS is a male-only organisation which seeks to promote nationalism amongst the Hindus of India. They have accused Christians of being in league with the Maoists in this and in previous killings. Some even claim that the Maoists are the “paid goons” of the church.

Violence by Hindus against Christians broke out last August following the assassination of RSS leader Swami Lakshmanananda. The violence resulted in dozens of Christians being killed and thousands more being displaced from their villages and forced to live in refugee camps or shelter in surrounding forests.

Many Christians are unable to return to their home villages for fear of continued violence. Although the riots have subsided, individual acts of violence and persecution are continuing.

VOMC is calling on believers to pray that the latest Maoist killing will not trigger another wave of mass violence.