Fewer Americans believe Christmas stories are true

Belief in the literal truth of the biblical Christmas stories is declining in the US, according to Pew Research.

Comparing findings in 2017 with those from 2014, the polling organisation found only 66 per cent believe Jesus was born to a virgin, compared with 73 per cent who said this in 2014. The proportion who said he was was laid in a manger has dropped from 81 per cent down to 75 per cent, while the proportion believing in the wise men, their gifts and the appearance of the angel to the shepherds has also declined.

A Christmas tree outside the US Capitol building in Washington –but do Americans still believe in Christmas?Pixabay

The number who believe in all of these things has declined from 65 per cent to only 57 per cent, reflecting a fall not just among non-Christians but among Christians too.

About a fifth of Americans now say none of these things actually happened, Pew found.

Other figures show fewer Americans now celebrate Christmas as primarily a religious holiday. There has also been a decline in the proportion saying Christians symbols should be allowed on government property, a regulation of which defeated Alabama candidate Roy Moore fell foul during his time as a judge when he attempted to display the 10 Commandments. Only 37 per cent agree they should be allowed, down from 44 per cent in 2014.