FIFA World Cup Football Star: 'I Take My Bible Everywhere'

|PIC1|The personal testimony of China's star football striker at the FIFA Women's World Cup, Han Duan, 23, will feature in thousands of copies of the Gospel of Mark produced to coincide as a resource for this year's event.

The United Bible Societies China Partnership has been supporting the Provincial Christian Councils to provide 150,000 copies of Mark's Gospel. The Bibles, which have been made to encourage people to engage in the message of Jesus Christ, will feature Duan's testimony.

The FIFA Women's World Cup tournament kicked off in Shanghai on 10 September, with 336 players from 16 national teams competing for the World Cup in five cities around China.

The England team will make their debut at the tournament on 11 September against Japan.

Han, who has scored ten goals in her last four appearances for China was named by as the "player to watch out for".

She has testified, "No matter where I go, I take the Bible along. I love to read it because there are important lessons to be learnt each day. I also find that the Bible is filled with wisdom and joy, instructing me on how to live meaningfully."

Ian McKay, Bible Society's International Director of Programme said, "Han's testimony is a wonderfully positive story. Football is enormously popular in China, and we hope many football fans will be encouraged to explore the Bible for themselves."

The United Bible Societies is a fellowship of 145 member Bible Societies, working together in more than 200 countries and territories to make the Bible's message available in formats people can use, afford and understand.