Film on North Korean refugees shortlisted for prestigious award

|PIC1|Two South Korean journalists are in the UK this week to attend the awards ceremony of the Rory Peck Trust following their nomination for outstanding freelance journalism.

An edited version of their film 'Korea: Out of the North' will also be shown in Parliament on Wednesday, on Channel Four on Tuesday and on BBC World's documentary Firing Line, to be aired on 22 November.

Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) initially put BBC journalist, Olenka Frenkiel in touch with Jung in Taek and Han Yong Ho, which led to their film footage being aired in the UK as part of a BBC documentary in May this year.

'Korea: Out of the North' follows North Korean refugees who cross the Tumen River into China in a desperate bid to escape North Korea and the human rights abuses they have experienced there.

Jung in Taek and Han Yong Ho are one of three final nominees for the Rory Peck Impact Award 2008, which honours the integrity of freelance cameramen and women in capturing humanitarian imagery that has had an impact internationally and led to a change in perception or policy.

Commenting ahead of the parliamentary briefing, CSW's Advocacy Director, Tina Lambert said: "CSW is extremely honoured to have played some part, albeit small, in this outstanding film which highlights the immense suffering endured by North Koreans at the hands of their own leaders and the desperate lengths individuals will go to, to escape this regime.

"We wish Jung in Taek and Han Yong Ho every success at the prestigious Rory Peck Awards this Thursday, and commend them on their bravery and resilience in finding a way to tell the story of this journey birthed in, and filled with, suffering.

"Journalism plays an important part in making this suffering public and contributing to the pressure on the international community to see change in North Korea."

Excerpts from the film are scheduled to be broadcast ahead of the awards ceremony by Channel Four on Tuesday, 11 November at 7:55pm, as part of the Three Minute Wonder series.