'Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn' latest news: Second major DLC 'Stormblood' being released Summer 2017

'Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn' wallpaperfinalfantasyxiv.com / Square Enix

Square Enix' massively multiplayer online role-playing video game, "Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn," has been announced to be receiving its second major downloadable content (DLC) expansion pack next year.

The brand new DLC expansion — titled "Stormblood" — has been revealed to already be in development and is scheduled to be released in Summer 2017.

The announcement for the new DLC expansion was made by the game's director Naoki Yoshida during the recently held 2016 Final Fantasy 14 Fan Festival. The director had also revealed several new details regarding the expansion pack, which will apparently be as large as the game's first major expansion, "Heavensward."

Yoshida also mentioned that their goal for the new expansion is to add a "full game's worth of content" which will include new enemies, high-end raids, dungeons, new locations, weapons, magic, and other in-game items.

Along with the new content, the DLC itself will also be increasing the game's current level cap from level 60 to level 70. Players will also be getting an increased inventory and brand new job classes to choose for their character.

The game's combat skill system will also reportedly be reworked with the changes to be implemented when the expansion comes out. Yoshida also mentioned that some of the less popular jobs and skills might be changed or removed within the new expansion.

The DLC expansion pack will still be taking place in the fictional land of Eorzea and a few years after the events of the original "Final Fantasy 14" MMO. However, players will be taken to a brand new location called Ala Mhigo, where they must face a brand new enemy called Zenos.

"Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn" was an immediate follow up to "Final Fantasy 14," and was meant to solve much of the problems of the original game which received mostly negative reviews. The game, initially dubbed as "Final Fantasy 14: Version 2.0," was created with a brand new engine, revamped gameplay systems, a new story, and was run through an improved server structure.