'Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn' patch 2.45 release today

Final Fantasy 14 patch 2.45 release on Dec. 9.Square Enix

Good news to "Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn" players as patch 2.45 will be released on Dec. 9 packed with bug fixes to the remaining issues that patch 2.4 failed to resolve. The game's director Naoki Yoshida revealed some of the major inclusions in the new patch at the latest "Letter from the Producer" Q&A session. 

According to Yoshida, dragoons will receive a major update through the patch. Gamers have been complaining that dragoons die easily after taking magical attacks twice. Players also added that it has been difficult to participate in the end-game content. 

Other changes in dragoons included in patch 2.45 are: increase in magic defense; reduction in recast times of some skills; decrease in damage taken during blood for blood battles; and increase in DoT damage on certain actions. 

Yoshida also spilled some teasers and previews for the upcoming "Heavensward" expansion pack, which is bound for release next year. The expansion pack will include brand new limit break for dragoons, housing areas in Ishgard as well as new maps, a new race, and new jobs. 

Meanwhile, Sony is extending the upgrade plan in which players can switch from PlayStation 3 to 4. The plan was supposed to end on Dec. 31, but the Japanese company was swayed by the request of buyers and, therefore, extended the plan until March 31, 2015. 

Furthermore, the company is offering a free trial service for PS3 and PS4 players on Dec. 11 for PS Plus members and on Dec. 24 for non-subscribers. However, these dates are still tentative. 

"Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn" is the 14th installment in the series and the second multiplayer online RPG of the "Final Fantasy" series. Like other role playing games, players can create and customize their character's appearance as well as job type. They can then join the massive world and embark in their own adventure, explore the land or go on quests.