'Final Fantasy 15' news: Moogles to be featured

Square Enix

Moogles are coming to "Final Fantasy 15," much to the delight of the fans who voted for the inclusion of the winged kupo nuts-loving creatures in a recent poll conducted by developer Square Enix via Twitter.

By the end of the poll, the game studio realized that fans of the upcoming action role-playing video game will enjoy it more with the bat cats present. Seventy-eight percent of the poll participants set out to have the Moogles appear in the game and now Square Enix has made it official.

In a three-part Twitter announcement, "Final Fantasy 15" director Hajime Tabata wrote "Congrats Moogle! I'd like to thank everyone that voted. I will think of a fun little way to feature Moogles in #FFXV."

Tabata also made it a point to give fans a brief of what to expect from the version of the Moogles coming to the highly anticipated title. First, he reminded that he will make no "trade off with the other work" in putting them in, which means that fans should not expect "a very chatty Moogle."

Moogles have been a constant presence in the franchise but they do not factor as much in the gameplay and it will definitely be that way in "Final Fantasy 15" as they are expected to simply make the game's background look better and feel more fun.

IB Times adds that the much-awaited game goes by the theme that mostly involves combat, exploration and fishing, the type where creatures like Moogles, which also appear in certain "Kingdom Hearts" titles, do not really thrive.

Before the poll started, Square Enix tweeted that there's no guarantee Moogles will be in the game and tested fans of how big the passion they have for the cute bat cats and how far they would go just to see this little guys in action in the game.