'Final Fantasy 7' remake release date: 2016 to be 'a year of preparations' for the game

"Final Fantasy 7"Square-Enix

Any outside shot of the "Final Fantasy 7" remake somehow making its triumphant debut in 2016 appears to have been extinguished in the wake of comments made by the game's producer.

In speaking with Famitsu and as reported on by Siliconera, Square Enix producer Yoshinori Kitase said that he believes "2016 will be a year of preparations" for the game. 

Kitase's comments are not exactly indicative of what is in store for the "Final Fantasy 7" remake, although it seems to suggest that the game is still quite far from completion. His comments about 2016 being a year for preparations also seemingly hint at the reality that there is almost no chance that the game could come out this year.

Even if 2016 is ruled out for the "Final Fantasy 7" remake, 2017 remains a distinct possibility, according to Game Rant. The website even suggests that Square Enix could decide to release the first episode of the upcoming game during the early part of 2017 and then proceed to launch later episodes at other points in the calendar.

The game's producer also said that he wants "to create a new value for the hardware that is the PlayStation 4" with their next announcement. That other comment is quite vague, although it could hint that Square Enix is planning to reveal additional details about the "Final Fantasy 7" remake sometime in 2016.

As of now, there's still not that much known about the "Final Fantasy 7" remake outside of what's already been shown off in trailers.

The trailers suggest that the upcoming game will tweak the battle system of the original game to make it better suited to the current time period. This means that the original turn-based system may be replaced with a gameplay that's more like the style of an action role-playing game (RPG). 

The "Final Fantasy 7" remake could also feature additional content beyond what was already included in the original game.

More details about the "Final Fantasy 7" remake are expected to be made available this year.