'Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn' news: Mac version pulled by Square-Enix, refunds offered

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm RebornSquare-Enix

"Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm  Reborn" was`launched on the Mac with several glitches and performance issues, which basically make the game unplayable. In response to this, Square Enix has recalled all copies of the game from retailers and is offering refunds to all Mac users who already purchased the game. 

"We have received a great deal of feedback regarding the performance of the Mac version, as well as various problems which resulted from the information we provided prior to its release," producer and director Naoki Yoshida explained in the official Square Enix forums. "For these issues, we apologize." 

Yoshida continued to explain that receiving a refund will differ from retailer to retailer, so it will depend on which store gamers got their copies from. However, if the game was purchased online via the Square Enix online store, then they simply need to fill up a form found here

According to the official forum post, the issues were caused by Square Enix releasing the wrong system requirements information to the public. Yoshida explained that the team worked to the very last minute to improve the game's performance and prepared several different requirement listings, only one of which would be released depending on the final version of the game. Unfortunately, the wrong list of system requirements were released, which caused some gamers to buy the game believing that their Mac could play it when in reality, it couldn't. 

Yoshida also stated that the Mac version of the game was prematurely released even before they could move forward with final maintenance to ensure everything was running as smoothly as intended. He continued to explain that Square Enix planned on conducting maintenance until June 23 but miscommunication with retailers led to the game's unscheduled early release. This led gamers to purchase a pre-build of "Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn" that was plagued with performance problems. 

Sales for the Mac version will continue once Square Enix has resolved the issues at hand. 

"Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn" is currently available on PS3, PS4, and PC.