'Final Fantasy XV' latest news, game updates: Square Enix announces partnership with 'Game of War' dev to create FFXV MMO mobile game

'Final Fantasy 15' promo imagefinalfantasyxv.com / Square Enix

Games developer Square Enix has now announced their plans of creating a brand new massively multiplayer online mobile video game that is set in the world of their upcoming new open world video game, "Final Fantasy XV."

The company revealed that they have partnered with "Game of War" developer Machine Zone to help bring together their dream of creating a truly worthy MMO video game for the "Final Fantasy" franchise.

According to the latest reports regarding the partnership, all of the characters, music, story, and other gameplay elements of "Final Fantasy XV" will be brought into the new mobile game using the already successful formula of Machine Zone's mobile gaming technology. The MMO is apparently going to be made to bring together millions of players worldwide into a single shared universe set in "Final Fantasy XV."

Machine Zone is no stranger to mobile games as they are the company behind the extremely popular freemium mobile MMO strategy video game, "Game of War: Fire Age." The company's mobile game was released back in 2013 and has since then occupied the top spots in the top-grossing apps of 2014 and 2015.

Aside from "Game of War," Machine Zone is also responsible for games such as "Mobile Strike" and "Mobile Strike 2," with the latter currently holding the No. 3 spot on the U.S. iOS charts.

As of the moment, the brand new "Final Fantasy XV" MMO video game still does not have an official title. Square Enix has also yet to announce when they will be releasing the game, but the company did mention that it was very excited about the project and that the partnership with Machine Zone was a good decision for them.

"Machine Zone has a stellar track record in the mobile gaming space and we are putting Final Fantasy XV in trustworthy hands. We are very excited to work with the MZ team to bring together two leaders in the gaming world and look forward to Final Fantasy XV on MZ's amazing gaming platform," said Square Enix president Yosuke Matsuda via a statement.