'Final Fantasy XV' news: Square Enix reveals new details on upcoming 'Episode Gladiolus' DLC

'Final Fantasy 15' gameplay screenshot.Square Enix

Square Enix has recently released new details about the upcoming downloadable content (DLC) for "Final Fantasy XV."

For "Final Fantasy XV" players who have done everything there is left to do with Noctis and his friends, Square Enix will be releasing a new expansion pack for the hit open-world game next week. To prepare fans for the big day, the studio has revealed a bunch of new info on what to expect when the DLC drops on March 28.

 According to reports, the DLC takes place after Gladiolus leaves the group to embark on a different quest. Noctis' sworn protector is forced to go out on his own and face the limitations of his own abilities. Before he could travel with the Chosen King, Gladiolus realizes he must possess a much higher level of power to protect him.

"In the ancient ruins that were found in the Kingdom of Lucis 30 years ago, the spirits of heroes that once served the king await the next generation of warriors," reads a line from the DLC fact sheet. This means players are required to visit the ruins where they must complete various challenges, including a huge confrontation with the classic "Final Fantasy" supervillain, Gilgamesh.

Additionally, the expansion will feature a new Valor and Rage system specifically designed to highlight Gladiolus' fighting style of blocking and counterattacking his opponents. Taking center stage in the add-on is a never-before-seen location, along with special items that can be obtained from completing the standalone story. Other notable features in the DLC include "Final Trial" and "Score Attack" gameplay modes, which can only be unlocked by completing the episode.

"Episode Gladiolus" can be accessed through the game's season pass, which is priced at $24.99. It can also be purchased on its own for $4.99. The next expansion called "Episode Prompto" debuts in June, while the release dates for the upcoming "Episode Ignis" and "Multiplayer Expansion: Comrades" have yet to be announced.

Developed and published by Square Enix, "Final Fantasy XV" is available for Xbox One and PlayStation 4.