'Final Fantasy XV' release date news: Director addresses demo bugs; Conan O'Brien makes fun of game

A screengrab of a scene from the "Final Fantasy XV" trailer posted by PlayStation on YouTube.YouTube/Square Enix

The very last "Final Fantasy XV" demo was released in Japan this week before Square Enix's open world action RPG videogame makes its big debut later this month. However, it seems like gamers have found a bunch of bugs in the new demo. Taking his time to address their concerns, the director of "Final Fantasy XV" Hajime Tabata explains that the bugs are natural for demos and assures gamers that the development team would fix it right up before the game's release.

With Tabata taking to Twitter to speak about the bug-littered demo for the upcoming "Final Fantasy XV" RPG, Gematsu has translated the director's posts in English to reveal his assurances that the game would definitely work come the final release date.

"Thank you for playing the demo. On the subject of bugs, we are already fixing them and plan to offer an update to users able to apply patches. Please rest assured that we will identify the frequency of the bugs and make fixes as needed," reads one of Tabata's posts.

As some sort of consolation to the bugs in the demo, Tabata also posted about extending the "Platinum Demo" of the game, saying that they have decided to lengthen the period of the demo's availability after receiving requests to extend the demo's distribution. Now, it looks like gamers who haven't been able to check out the demo can now try it out till the end of the year.

Meanwhile, in other "Final Fantasy XV" news, it seems like Square Enix's game has gotten some promotion from television host and comedian Conan O'Brien as he tries out the game in "Clueless Gamer" with "Lord of the Rings" star, Elijah Wood. While it seems like Wood enjoyed the whimsy of playing "Final Fantasy XV," Conan openly questions the logic of the game, making jabs at the gameplay as the characters run around in the desert wearing leather and staring at a dress for a few minutes.