'Final Fantasy XV' release date, news: Death Spell features in new gameplay trailer

A promotional image for "Final Fantasy XV"Playstation Japan

"Final Fantasy XV" has a new gameplay trailer which surely made fans a little more excited. The trailer showed that the powerful Death Spell in action.

The 4-minute trailer features Noctis using the Death Magic. He used it on the Iron Giant and Arba, the gargantuan ram–giraffe hybrid. The group also encountered Garula, Bulette, Magitek Axeman, and Seadevil. Before it ended, the fans also witnessed Bandersnatch, a canine-type creature and a recurring enemy in the game series. This is the first time that the beast was shown to the public for the upcoming game.

The video's description reads: "Death magic – one of the powerful spells granted by the Ring of the Lucii. Death drains the HP of enemies. The longer you use the spell, the more your enemy will physically deteriorate. In this video Death is used to tackle a variety of enemies, including another exclusive reveal – the fearsome Bandersnatch!"

The Death Spell drains the power from the enemies, and the longer a player uses the spell, the more they weakened the enemy. Applying finishing moves will never be easier without it. However, even with such a spell, harder-to-defeat bosses may require up to fifteen hours to be brought down, developer Square Enix previously mentioned.

A few days ago, a 24-hour countdown timer suddenly showed up on developer Square Enix's website to the delight of the fans. When the time ran out, it revealed an image of a Moogle doll, based on Lulu's plush toy, which is said to be included in a recurring race in the game, IGN reported.

Not much information about the doll is available, but it is said to act as a lucky charm for Noctis and his friends. It will not have a major role aside from being a stuffed toy, but it could possibly help during tight situations, Hajime Tabata, the game director, jokingly said.

"Final Fantasy XV" will have a worldwide release on Nov. 29 on the PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.