Find out when you can use a debt consolidation loan for debt relief


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A debt consolidation loan is an excellent solution for debtors who are struggling with their debt. And debtors often lose their mind in the extreme pressure, and many commit several mistakes, some of which are sentimental, some strategic, and so on. To avoid the stress and learn how you may get out of the debt situation below, you must study the exact details of availing a debt consolidation loan.

Not everyone can get this loan, and not every situation can be solved using this. However, if you qualify for this, then there can be no other reasonable solution for you as a debtor strangled in debts to live a free life once again and feel flexible and free again with manageable debts.

Why is the timely management of debts important?

Thinking about starting to find a way out of debts when you already are profoundly submerged in dues is not the smartest thing ever. The intelligent or wise person would start understanding the problematic situation ahead and take the timely decision to get out of the debts and find a solution while still having some favorable time in hand. That is why, it is crucial that you analyze your debt situation, and find the right steps. Taking help of helpful resources like is recommended.

One of the biggest problems you get into bad debts is that you spoil your credit records highly, and also spoil your legal records somewhere. The credit score is damaged and lowered with late or non-payments of the debts. The credit history starts to reflect such non-payments. And when you are repeatedly defaulting, then you start getting legal notices from the creditors. The creditor would send you legal notice through a lawyer which involves your name in a court case and is not at all pleasant in any way for you in the present and the longer run. That is why, appropriate management of the debt situation, and analyzing the problems ahead to act now is much essential.

What is a debt consolidation loan?

Debt consolidation loan is one particular type of loan, aimed at giving you money, to pay back all of your existing debts, so that you may live freely while focusing on only one single loan, which is the debt consolidation loan. The rate of interest of this loan would always be lower than what you have been paying till date against all your other loans. The tenure of a debt consolidation loan would also be longer than the existing ones you are handling. This is done to ensure that the EMI calculated per month for the consolidated loan stays a small amount that is manageable for you.

The main problem of debtors is that they cannot manage to take out the loan EMIs from their monthly expenditures after spending on vital household and other expenses. But when the loan EMI becomes a small single manageable amount, then things can be much easy to manage. That is the methodical approach of a debt consolidation loan system.

Where does debt consolidation loan help?

Debt consolidation loans are helpful in certain situations. They are as follows:

  • If you have multiple debts which you cannot pay on time due to many reasons like shortage of funds, skipped payment due dates due to forgetting dates, etc.
  • If you are paying a very high rate of interest which you believe can be lowered.
  • If you want to lower the cumulative EMI, you are paying towards all your loans.
  • If you are often skipping the EMI payments and your credit score is gradually getting lowered, but is still not in an unhealthy range and can still fetch you a debt consolidation loan.
  • If you have a stable earning every month, to pay the EMI of the consolidated loan consistently, without ever skipping it.

If all or any of the above points are true for you in some way, then you may go for the debt consolidation loan. This system will be applicable for you and will be helpful for you in such a scenario.

When can you not take a debt consolidation loan?

There are certain limitations in taking a debt consolidation loan, however. You cannot take a debt consolidation loan when:

  • You don't have a healthy credit score. A credit score below 600 is considered problematic. However, you may still inquire if there are programs to offer a bad credit debt consolidation loan or not.
  • You don't have a stable monthly income or are not employed for more than 6 months.
  • You don't have a stable residency proof
  • You don't have a government ID proof

In any of the case above, you may not get a debt consolidation loan.

Other debt solutions

Other debt solutions to consider when you cannot get a debt consolidation loan are debt settlement options, and bankruptcy. While bankruptcy means declaring yourself as bankrupt legally and announcing this so that no creditors try recovery on you, debt settlement involves negotiating with the creditor to settle all dues at a much lower amount than you owe.

Both the above solutions can fit you if you have a smashed credit score which leaves no hope for you ever to get a debt consolidation loan. However, if you manage to get a consolidation loan with your current credit score, then this possibly is the healthiest debt problem solution.


If you manage to get a debt consolidation loan, then you get a lifeline, and a great second chance to get stable financially. While you can pay your monthly installments on time with this new loan, you will also be able to build a new credit record and improve the credit score with timely payments. Besides, you will also be able to make savings from your earnings for a stable future and will be able to make small investments when you get stable. Overall a debt consolidation loan is a brilliant solution to bring your finances on track and bring balance to your life.