'Fire Emblem Fates' release date rumors: Western version of 'Fire Emblem If' coming in a package?

Japanese box art for the two stories under the 'Fire Emblem If' title.[Amazon Japan]

Fans of the Japanese role-playing genre, or JPRG as it is commonly known, have listed "Fire Emblem If" as one of the much-anticipated titles to be ported outside of Japan. With its unique take on storytelling and gameplay adaptation, the game — "Fire Emblem Fates" as it will be known on western shores —promises massive content and hours of gameplay.

Although western gamers have yet to experience the title, the promise of "massive content" seems to be right on the mark since its original title, "Fire Emblem If," was released in Japan on two full-game versions — "Birthright" and "Conquest." Although each title offers a unique story in itself, fans of the "Fire Emblem" title would have to get the two games to have a complete "Fire Emblem If" experience. There is even talk of a third path being developed for Japanese audiences. 

Meanwhile, although the ported version's specific release date has not been confirmed, it is already speculated that "Fire Emblem Fates" would make it to North America and Europe sometime next year. In addition, rumor has it that instead of the title being broken down into its "Birthright" and "Conquest" storylines, players will instead receive a special, packaged edition. 

According to Nintendo fan website Nintendo Life, a listing on Amazon U.K. places the title to only be a single release when the listing is viewed on a mobile browser. It also states that "Fire Emblem Fates" is the only version coming to the territory, which could also mean that the single release title is also for all of Europe. In addition, the listing includes the storylines for the title, saying that players "will be able to choose which path you would like to follow within the game." 

However, it is still unclear if the listing relates to the two titles, "Birthright" and "Conquest," being bundled together, or if the developer will be porting a special edition of "Fire Emblem Fates" with the two stories already inside the title itself.