First Christian Radio Station in Kiev Receives Thousands of Calls

The first Christian radio station in Ukraine’s capital city, has accepted thousands of calls of support and encouragement from listeners that have ‘‘surpassed expectations’’ of the radio station staff.

|TOP|Radio Emmanuel, which officially began daily broadcasting in Kiev on June 9, has received thousands of calls from Christians in the local area expressing their deep appreciation for the Christian programming made available to them for the first time. Radio Emmanuel is one of HCJB World Radio’s partner stations and is the result of five years of preparation and prayers.

“Viktor Radin, Emmanuel’s general director, reported that the station already has received thousands of calls and many visits by listeners who are thrilled with the station’s programming,” said Mark Irwin, director of HCJB World Radio Euro-Asia’s Russia/C.I.S. sub-region in a statement released by HCJB. “Many Christians have called to voice their deep appreciation for the gospel message represented in the programming while non-Christians have also called.”

HCJB World Radio’s Euro-Asia team has been working with Emmanuel since the station applied for license in 2000.

“We were advising them and helping them plan for the eventual station,” Irwin explains. “Once the license was granted in 2004, we got even more involved, supplying funding, providing a transmitter and other broadcasting equipment, and assisting with technical consulting and other help to start the station.”

According to Irwin, Emmanuel Mission Director Steve Weber expressed “great pleasure to know that the station is now up and running and broadcasting the gospel of Jesus Christ to Ukraine’s capital city.

“[Weber] and his entire team are immensely grateful for all those that have partnered with Emmanuel, including HCJB World Radio,” Irwin said.

Several local churches in Kiev have offered to help Emmanuel with the radio ministry as well as a local counselling ministry to assist, for instance, new Christians in finding a local church to attend in Kiev.

“The station represents the way we work – that is, working with various ministries in partnership to launch and sustain a ministry. It has included training of personnel, technical advice and support, funding, programming and most importantly, prayer support,” said Irwin.

The radio broadcasts in Ukrainian and Russian and plans to add programming from the New Life Russian radio satellite network based in Moscow according to a statement released by HCJB.

Emmanuel’s general director noted that the station has applied for more FM frequencies in other cities throughout Ukraine to expand its ministry. Moreover, many groups have requested permission to retransmit the programming locally in their cities. Emmanuel hopes to develop a network covering the country’s major cities as well as some of the smaller towns, conveyed the statement released by HCJB.

Emmanuel is a multimedia organisation that is responsible for television production as well as broadcasting. The ministry is affiliated with the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), a well-known U.S.-based ministry with the popular program, “The 700 Club.” The organisation has a large ministry in Ukraine as well as in the Commonwealth of Independent States (C.I.S.), according to HCJB.

HCJB World Radio was the world’s first missionary broadcast organisation and for the past 70 years it has broadcasted the Gospel around the world. HCJB World Radio has ministries in more than 90 countries and broadcasts the Gospel in more than 100 languages and dialects.

Michelle Vu
Christian Today Correspondent