First Christian Reality TV Series in Britain Launched

|PIC1|Two British brothers are launching Britain's first global Christian reality TV series. ByFaith - 'A Journey of Discipleship', documents the mission adventures of Paul Backholer (27) and Mathew Backholer (31) around Europe, North Africa and through Asia.

In each nation, with just their backpacks, Bibles and a video camera, they share their successes, failures and joy as they seek to win people to the message of Christian discipleship.

“Every mission is unique,” says Paul Backholer. “We may be distributing gospel tracts, preaching the gospel, meeting with pastors and missionaries, praying or even smuggling Bibles!”

Throughout the series, the brothers will look to share their experiences on every mission, yet every episode will be sure to hold a Biblical lesson.

“Our central message is surrender to the call of discipleship”, says Mathew Backholer. “Each episode has a theme, but we did not write any scripts beforehand. In every country we had to put our faith into action and learn from our experiences.”

“We believe that Christians are tired of half-hearted, lukewarm Christianity!” says Paul. “Believers want reality with God and a cause to live for - especially the youth. When we choose to surrender our lives to the Lord, we begin to embrace His purpose and destiny for us.”

|AD|The Backholer’s believe that this series is not a call for all to take part in this type of Christian ministry. “We are called to be Christ's disciples in our everyday lives. Not everyone is called to be a preacher or missionary,” says Paul.

‘ByFaith’ had no scripts, and what viewers will see is the two Christians carrying out mission, with their problems fully revealed. In Europe, for example, they were attacked by local thieves. On a 48-hour journey into unstable Nepal they feared a Maoist attack. In North Africa, they document the faith of a persecuted minority - and the locals picked up stones! In Myanmar, they meet a teacher oppressed by the regime and in Cambodia they recall the terror of the Khmer Rouge.

The brothers attended the same Bible College in Britain, and have had ten years of ministry opportunities.

“Having led youth camps and been regular speakers in churches and youth groups, we want ByFaith TV to be a massive resource for youth/cell groups. Each twenty-five minute episode has a biblical theme and we have prepared Bible studies for each subject,” said Mathew.

The series airs on UCB TV (Sky Channel 766) in the UK and Ireland every Saturday night at 9:30pm and is currently available on Pal DVD, with free downloadable Bible studies for youth and cell groups.

For more information on ByFaith please visit: