First Ever Christian Karaoke PC Game to Release

|PIC1|Christian entertainment developers Cloud 9 Games Inc announced Wednesday the planned release of their first-ever Christian karaoke PC Game.

The "Heavenly Harmony Karaoke and Vocal Performance Game" will be released this August and will help serious singers to increase their vocal abilities through real-time feedback from the game. Through an intricate system that checks for tone and timing, participants will be able to receive serious critiques on what to improve.

"As a singer with Phillips, Craig and Dean for 16 years, I have often wondered, 'How would I do on American Idol?'" asked Dove Award-winning singer Randy Phillips in a statement. "Well, I don't have to wonder anymore. 'Heavenly Harmony' cued up a song for me and analysed my pitch as I sang. Amazing!"

The new creation features 25 of Christian music's most recognisable songs - such as "Shout to the Lord", "I Can Only Imagine", "Praise the Lord" and "Amazing Grace" - of which vocalists can try their own renditions. The CD comes with a microphone that plugs directly into the computer, making it easy for players to jump right into the songs.

The game is meant for everyone, whether professional or simply a member of the local church choir, or even those who sing in their free time for enjoyment.

"'Heavenly Harmony' provides features never before found in any computer game, and the fact that it's a Christian-themed game makes it even more exciting," explained Curtis Ratica, the president of Cloud 9 Games, in a statement. "Never before has there been a singing game that offers the type of feedback this game provides."

The system works by placing contestants in a singing arena. Each virtual celebrity must work from the bottom up, starting from their own garage and unlocking larger venues such as a church sanctuary to a packed stadium.

Points are earned throughout the game when players are able to match pitch and tone as well as have the proper timing to each of the Christian songs. They can learn to read notes as the lyrics run side-by-side with an accurate musical score. The system will help those that have a difficult time hitting the right notes while reading music.

Players will also see which notes they are actually singing compared to what the original artists' sang. Depending on their precision, the system will rate the player throughout the performance, placing them in one of three appropriate levels: the shower, the choir, or on tour.

At the end, the game will detail how many notes were flat, sharp, or on pitch and if done well enough, will give the singer a ranking of silver, gold, or platinum.

In addition to the platform itself, the computer product has a number of fun additions. There are several mini-games that help players achieve perfection in specific aspects of their vocals. For example, a mini-game titled "Tune-a-Tuna" helps vocalists practice pitch. As singers sing the right notes, they help Peter catch fish before a storm arrives.

Also, players can earn points and unlock new accessories for their virtual performers, such as shoes, hats and glasses.

The public will be able to see a first demonstration of the game at this year's International Christian Retail Show in Atlanta, Georgia, from 9 to 12 July.

The game will be compatible with Windows 2000, XP, and Vista. The game creators also plan to bring out add-ons in the future that will meet specific genres such as Christmas songs for the holiday season.