First 'Ghostbusters' director believes all-female reboot is as special as the original

The all-female cast of "Ghostbusters" reboot - Leslie Jones, Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnonSony Pictures

For original "Ghostbusters" director Ivan Reitman, the new installment of the supernatural comedy franchise under Paul Feig could be as good as the first one.

The film maker-producer told the Los Angeles Daily News that felt that the new "Ghostbusters" movie could be as special as the original, based on his reaction when he first saw the new stars of the film and the iconic scene where Dan Aykroyd, Bill Murray, and Harold Ramis was seen walking towards the cheering crowds in Madison Avenue.

"There's something really unique about them, which was something that was so lovely about the original movie," Reitnan said.

The new film's co-writer Katie Dippold explained how she and Feig came up with the script that will give justice to the original "Ghostbusters" movie. "It was important that we capture the heart we loved about the original, but bring something new so it wouldn't feel like just another reboot."

Dippold also mentioned Feig's vision for the movie, which is to recapture all the amazing features of the original film instead of just making a sequel. "In the original, it was so fun when ghosts were unleashed upon the city for the first time," she said. "We didn't want to skip over it."

However, Feig told ABC News that he knows where the skepticism over the all-female cast for the next "Ghostbusters" film came from. The director said that he understands that some of the fans are terrified to see a major change in their favorite film. "That's kind of why I wanted to do a reboot because that's almost the more respectful way to do it," the director said.

The new "Ghostbusters" reboot stars Melissa McCarthy as author Abby Yates, Kristen Wiig as professor Erin Gilbert, Kate McKinnon as nuclear engineer Jillian Holtzmann, and Leslie Jones as NYC subway worker Patty Tolan. Chris Hemsworth will also appear in the movie as the receptionist of the all-female Ghostbusters, while the remaining living original Ghostbusters Murray and Aykroyd are set to make a cameo guesting in the film that will premiere on July 15.