Flappy Bird back for Amazon Fire TV but not for Google Play or Apple App store

Does Dong Nguyen attempt to curtail addiction by involving the family?Amazon

As promised, the popular Flappy Bird game is back.

In an interview with the Rolling Stone for its March 27, 2014 issue,  Dong Nguyen, the creator of the phenomenal game, had revealed several reasons why he had taken down Flappy Bird after it earned him an estimated $50,000 a day. Among those reasons were the fact that several parents were complaining to him "for distracting the children of the world." One kid even said, "13 kids at my school broke their phones because of your game, and they still play it cause it's addicting like crack."

But in the same interview, the creator from Vietnam had also revealed that he was actually considering letting Flappy fly again, but he said that he would not create a new version, and he would instead add a warning to his original version: "Please take a break."

Now the game is back.

However, the game is only available to people with Amazon Fire TV. Tech Crunch found this exclusivity weird: "Unless Amazon kicked down a small mountain of cash for the exclusivity, tying your game to a weird psuedo-console that not many people own doesn't really make it less addictive — it just makes it less likely anyone will care," the tech site stated.

The game had also been renamed as "Flappy Birds Family," a game now designed for two players who would be racing against each other to the pre-set finish line, with roaming enemies to distract your effort to avoid those many an infamous green pipes.

Amazon's short description reads: "Enjoy playing the game at home (not breaking your TV) with your family and friends."