Floyd Mayweather could have knocked out Manny Pacquiao, says Floyd Sr.

Floyd Mayweather Sr.Reuters

A hook could have floored Manny Pacquiao if Floyd Mayweather Jr. had opted to do so.

Such was the claim of Floyd Mayweather Sr., saying that his son could have sent the Filipino boxer crashing to the canvass had he taken his advice during their May 2 encounter at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas.

A knockdown or a knockout is something many would have loved to see, erasing perhaps the ongoing stigma of disappointment in the highly regarded "Fight of the Century."

Things didn't turn out according to fans' expectations, many hoping that Mayweather and Pacquiao would get it on and give the paying fans their money's worth. As everyone knows, that never happened as Mayweather opted to stick to his defensive approach which left Pacquiao frustrated.

Despite initially declaring that he would engage Pacquiao in a fierce exchange, Floyd Jr. never did. And such was the belief of many for why would an undefeated boxer risk his record against someone who can really get it on.

But the thing is despite those allegations, Mayweather played it clean and stayed away as much as he could from giving Pacquiao a chance to hit him. Mayweather schooled Pacquiao as the Filipino boxing champion simply found no solution on how to defeat the American boxer.

Making matters worse was the claim of Pacquiao and his camp that the Filipino boxer fought with an injured shoulder. He excuse only made matters worse as fans went as far as pursuing legal action against Mayweather and Pacquiao in what is now being called the "Dud of the Century."

With regards to his ability to knockout his opponent, Mayweather could try out that piece of advice from his father when he faces Andre Berto at the MGM Grand Garden in Las Vegas on Sept. 12.

But, of course, this will all depend on the scenario and timing. Mayweather is still expected to use his defensive strategy, although going in for the kill if the opportunity comes could happen.