Following the Footsteps of Moses

|PIC1|This Easter time, Open Doors are running an exciting trek which promises to be an amazing experience and provide an opportunity for participants to raise money to purchase Children's Arabic Bibles for children in the Middle East.

"To the uninitiated, the Sinai desert can be a place of hostility, hardship and suffering. To those, however, who set their hearts on walking the ancient paths of holiness, the desert becomes a place of divine encounters, where many a pilgrim discovers a deeper intimacy with God and a greater anointing for ministry".

The Sinai peninsula, wedged between Africa and Asia, is probably one of the most attractive walking sites in the world. The vast, open, desert spaces, ever changing scenery and extraordinary colours make this a unique experience which is bound to leave the trekker with everlasting impressions.

|QUOTE|Row upon row of barren, jagged, red-brown mountains fill the southern interior, surrounded by dry, yet colourful, desert plains. From the palm-lined coast, dunes and swamps of the north to the white-sand beaches and superb coral reefs of the Red Sea, Sinai is full of contrasts.

Sinai is a land of miracles and holy places. Elijah, Jacob and Abraham wandered through its hills and deserts. It is here that God first spoke to Moses from a burning bush and later delivered the Israelites from the Egyptian army with the celebrated parting of the Red Sea." reports the Open Doors UK website.

If you would like to know more about this project please call Paul T on 01993 885400 or email him at