Food for the Hungry Fights Illiteracy in Southern Sudan

Since Sudan emerged from a 21-year civil war, Christian charity Food for the Hungry UK has been working in the vast Eastern province of the Upper Nile among the Nuer people where it is working to give individuals new hope for the future by fighting the alarmingly high illiteracy rates that plague the country.

As was the case with many aspects of the country's economic and social infrastructure, the education system was debilitated in Southern Sudan for around 18 years as a direct consequence of the prolonged conflict.

As a lingering result of this, the New Sudan Centre for Statistics and Evaluation estimates that 88 per cent of adult women are illiterate while 63 per cent of men in the region are illiterate.

But thanks to FHI's Christian Development Initiative (CDI), these men and women have the chance now not only to read but to read the most valuable book there is: the Bible.