Football Chaplains Reach Out to Beckham & Players

The recent move by footballer David Beckham to LA Galaxy has drawn much attention to a sport that has until now failed to hit the big time in the USA.

|PIC1|Beckham's arrival to the United States last month has helped lift the profile of Major League Soccer (MLS), and football at large in the US. The new midfielder for Galaxy faces a gruelling time, however. Over the next three months, he will play at least 22 games and pile up almost 80,000 air miles playing for the LA team while trying to help England qualify for next year's European Championships.

Some players fear Beckham's burnout but his spokesman, Simon Oliveira, has given assurances of his fitness and Beckham's own confidence that he will be in peak condition.

This week, Galaxy slipped into their ninth defeat in 17 MLS games and the team is scheduled for many late-season games plus travel.

Pumping up the team's body and soul amid the increased media attention and gruelling schedule is a chaplain trying to develop three-dimensional athletes.

"I tell the players that they should not just think of the fans' approval, which can change at any moment, but rather they should try to play for God's approval," said Ray Caldwell, chaplain for the Galaxy.

Caldwell is part of Campus Crusade for Christ's Athletes in Action (AIA), which has a presence on 10 of MLS's 13 teams.

They hold team Bible studies and focus on the idea of building mind, body and spirit, including the players' motivation and morality.

"Players are all about being the very best soccer players they can be, but the physical and mental aspects of sport can only take you so far," Caldwell said. "When they begin to focus on things above they often find they can play at a higher level."

The Bible studies generally draw around six to eight players. Players from the Galaxy involved with AIA include former US national team midfielder Chris Klein, midfielder Peter Vagenas, defender Troy Roberts and defender Quavas Kirk.

All players and coaches are invited to attend the Bible studies and chapels, according to Caldwell, who recently met with Beckham and extended an invitation to him.

"The front offices (MLS) have gradually gained an understanding that we aren't trying to get something from the team, but rather that we are here to give to and resource the teams," Caldwell said. "Through the relationships and trust we have built up some teams have granted us increased access."

Athletes in Action was founded in 1966 by David Hannah, who desired to build on society's great love of sports and utilise the platform given to the athletes to reach the world for Jesus Christ. As of 2006, AIA has a ministry presence in 85 countries, on nearly 100 US college campuses, and on 35 US professional sports teams.