Football programme helps South African children combat social breakdown

|PIC1|World Emergency Relief is supporting a Sports and Community Support Programme in the underprivileged Paarl East region of South Africa that uses football as a tool to help local children overcome various social issues such as family breakdown, lack of education, gang and drug culture, unemployment and unplanned pregnancy.

The townships of Paarl East and Mbekweni to the north have a joint population of approximately 150,000. Unemployment is high, housing is basic and cramped, and food availability is often low. The provision of education for local children is limited and during the vulnerable times after school, or when their parents are unable to work, they risk getting drawn into crime and gang culture, or drug and alcohol abuse. Active participation in a sports programme is one effective solution to some of the social issues they face on a daily basis.

WER’s involvement, in collaboration with Monte Christo Ministries (MCM), has helped grow the programme significantly over the last two years, focussing on the development of the grassroots coaching programme and the construction of the MCM Sports Park.

Coaches for sport and coaches for life

There are currently 20 local coaches in place, who are receiving support and training to help them pass on their skills. There is a flourishing U13 and U15 league for boys with over 30 teams actively participating this year. There is also a dedicated girls league with 16 active teams. The ultimate aim is to have 50 coaches in place within two years, all working towards FIFA accreditation.

In addition to the football coaches, MCM Sports is also training ‘life skills’ coaches, who will work alongside the football coaches to help participants deal with the deep social issues that they face and mentor them to overcome these problems. Eventually there will be one sports coach and one life skills coach per team. Currently, 1200 local children benefit from the sports programme every week but as more coaches are trained, additional teams can be set up, enabling this number to grow.

Quality sports facilities

MCM has been working locally with the Drakenstein Municipality to source an appropriate plot of land to build the Sports Park. The ideal property was located and the papers finally signed in July last year. The first phase of the buildings work is now underway, including the fencing and security lighting, irrigation for the whole site and laying one of the junior pitches and two full-sized football pitches.

Once the entire project is complete the facilities will provide for three full-sized pitches, two junior pitches, an office building with storage facilities and a changing area, a playground for younger children and a multi-purpose community centre to serve the local population.

Football and the future

The turf for the first three pitches is expected to be laid and ready to use by the end of May, along with some temporary changing facilities. The new season is now well under way with WER as the official sponsor of the U13 league for the 2009-10 season.

"WER is committed to continuing funding for the next two years to contribute towards employing a full-time football coach and sports director, running costs of league management and administration, and coaching equipment," WER concluded.

"Through our participation, we aim to give local children an outlet to interact in a more positive way."