'For Honor' news update 2017: Season 2 announced, details revealed

The second season of "For Honor" is slated to arrive this May 16.YouTube/Ubisoft

"For Honor" players are readying themselves, as the second season of the game is just a few days away. As promised, Ubisoft will be bringing tons of exciting features and whatnots. Here is everything about the forthcoming season in a nutshell.

The aforementioned "For Honor" season is expected to arrive on May 16 and is titled "Shadow and Might." However, a day before its launch, the studio plans to host a livestream on the official Twitch channel of the game. This will basically serve as a means for players to get an overview of the upcoming content.

Among the exciting things coming to "For Honor" season 2 are two new heroes — the Shinobi and the Centurion. The former is under the Samurai faction, with grace and precision similar to that of a dancer and a killer, respectively. As for the latter, he is the type of warrior that sees the battlefield as a chessboard.

The Shinobi wields the traditional Japanese Kusarigama, whereas the Centurion is equipped with a gladius. The latter weapon, in particular, has been developed to bypass enemy defenses.

It is worth noting that as soon as the second season arrives, season pass holders will be able to acquire these heroes right away. As for the non-season pass holders, they will have to wait a couple of days before Ubisoft gives them access. Not just that: They will have to use the in-game currency, Steel, to purchase these new characters.

Apart from the aforementioned additions, reports have it that a total of two new maps will also be coming to "For Honor." These are Forge and Temple Garden, both of which offers a fresh environment to paint blood. The studio reportedly promised to continue releasing contents and post-launch updates following the arrival of the new season. The specifics, however, remain a mystery at this time.