Former Archbishop of Birmingham dies aged 78

The former Roman Catholic Archbishop of Birmingham has died over the weekend, aged 78.

The Most Rev Maurice Couve de Murville was reported to have died peacefully in St Joseph's Nursing Home in Littlehampton, West Sussex, at around 0615 GMT on Saturday.

Archbishop Maurice was the seventh Archbishop of Birmingham, and held the post from 1982 to 1999, but retired due to ill health.

Born in France, one of Archbishop Maurice's first engagements in the job was to welcome Pope John Paul II to Coventry Airport in 1982 during his visit to Britain.

The Most Rev Vincent Nichols, current Archbishop of Birmingham said: "The Archdiocese of Birmingham will be at prayer for their late Archbishop Maurice.

"He was much loved by so many who admired his achievements and his humour.

"Characteristically he bore his last illness with dignity and calm, with his strong faith and trust in the Lord so much to the fore," he was quoted as saying by the BBC.