Former Audio A Member Embarks on 'iMission' Trip

|PIC1|Former Audio Adrenaline member Bob Herdman, who departed from touring with the band in 1999, will be embarking on a two-week “iMission” trip this Friday to the Audio A-founded Hands & Feet Project headquarters in Haiti, where he will document his efforts online in a daily journal on the mission group’s website.

“Join with me as we become amateur missionaries together,” says Herdman, who helped to found the Hands & Feet Project orphanage with the band in 2004.

Herdman, who played drums, rhythm guitar, and keyboard for Audio Adrenaline while they were getting started at Kentucky Christian College in Graceland, Ky., will be temporarily taking the place of resident missionaries Drex and Jo Stuart, parents of Audio A lead singer Mark Stuart, while they are out of the country, and will oversee all of the projects and operations on the site. The mission trip will run from April 28 to May 11.

For more information, visit .

Justin Camacho
Christian Today Correspondent