Former Church Moderator Welcomes Ghanaian Choir to St Andrews

The Very Rev Alan McDonald, former Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, will welcome the unique Ghanaian Ayeyi Kuo Choir to St Andrews this Sunday.

Over the course of the day the choir will perform once at Cameron Parish Church and twice at St Leonards Parish Church in special services conducted by the former Moderator.

"I was in Ghana as part of a visit as Moderator," he shared. "An outstanding feature of those weeks in Ghana was the vitality and colour of the worship. This choir allows people in Scotland to taste that inspiring, intoxicating mix of music, dance and drama. We have so much to learn from our partner churches in Ghana."

The choir will visit Scotland as 'Faithshare Visitors' of the World Mission Council of the Church of Scotland as the Church celebrates the continued building and expansion of its relationships with its partner churches in Ghana.

Featuring members of both the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Ghana and the Presbyterian Church of Ghana the performance celebrates a bold and confident Ghana, celebrating its 50th anniversary of independence and a new era of partnership with the Church of Scotland.

Rev Samuel Ayete Nyampong, who will be leading the choir said " The choir will perform international standard music, but also African music with a Christian flavour using drums and other African instruments. People from the Volta are known for their songs and dances. Expect us to sing and dance in our African costume."