'Forza Horizon 3' tips and tricks: take charge early on with these tips

A promotional image for "Forza Horizon 3"Playground Games

After North America and the Mediterranean, "Forza Horizon" now brings the game to the land down under. The third game in the series will let its fans explore the vast outback of Australia and eventually earn points along the way. Now, several sources released their tips in getting maximum skill points in "Forza Horizon 3"

Redbull suggests that players do a series of combo moves in order to rake in points. Everything that is performed on the road equates to experience points, and if one could practically drift while nearly missing an incoming vehicle, that would give extra points. Every new move performed after the other also increases the multiplier, so after the first two moves, players should try to do a jump afterward. After landing, they should try to trash everything on the path as well. These actions will surely give huge skill points.

Upon accumulating the skill points, it is time to unlock the perks offered in three skill trees. Players should also try to get the perks that have something to do with skills, like an extra 10 percent when performing drifts. Once all the skill perks have been unlocked, players will be able to earn skill points faster, which will then be used to gain the other perks, GameNGadgets reported.

There are also instances that one needs to travel from point A to point B really fast, and the quickest route is not always on the road. However, this will have a bumpier ride especially if one is driving a hypercar. Simply look at the Sat-Nav computer and drive straight towards the objective. Anna, the voice behind the computer tracker, will definitely complain about the path one is traversing aside from the official road, but one simply needs to ignore her for the mean time.

It is also better to have the Ariel Nomad early on in the game. Perfect combos can be gained from it, which will make progress faster. Checking the roofs, exploring underground tunnels, and driving under the bridge can provide the players with bonus boards. There are many of them around that give little bonuses, so players should definitely try to find them as well.