Megachurch pastor, televangelist and author John Hagee is warning his congregation and the rest of mankind that there's a "world-shaking event that will happen between April 2014 and October 2015."
He's talking about the four 'blood moon' lunar eclipses that will make their first appearance on April 15.
Hagee, who is founder of the Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, TX, believes the "four blood moons," (four consecutive and complete lunar eclipses) also known as a lunar tetrad, is a significant event. Though NASA has also acknowledged that the 'blood moons' will be a unique sight to behold, the mega church pastor believes this event is even more significant than most understand.
The dates of each eclipse coincide with Jewish holidays but Hagee believes the event will also change world history. He discusses his research in his bestselling book Four Blood Moons: Something is About to Change, and now he's gearing people up for the event through his series of sermons and a TV special, airing on Tuesday, April 15, the first night of the tetrad.
"What is the prophetic significance [of the four blood moons]? Is this the end of the age?" 73-year-old Hagee asked his congregation during a sermon shortly after his book released.
The televangelist and author has garnered vast amounts of attention as the date of the first blood mooon draws near.
His YouTube channel, which features videos and dramatic music claiming "something is about to change," take a cinematic approach to the upcoming lunar eclipses, as it prepares viewers for his Global Evangelism Television special on April 15.
The Houston Chronicle reports that during one of his sermons last year, Hagee read from the Bible's book of Acts 2: 19-20.
"And I will show wonders in Heaven above and signs in the Earth beneath, the sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord," he read.
Prophesying to his congregation, he declared, "When you see these signs, the Bible says, lift up your head and rejoice, your redemption draweth nigh...I believe that the Heavens are God's billboard, that He has been sending signals to Planet Earthbut we just have not been picking them up."
NASA reports that the upcoming blood moon will be visible at around 2 a.m. local time from the central Atlantic westward to eastern Australia. Hagee's broadcast can be watched on April 15 at 8 p.m. CT on GETV.