Franklin Graham tells Muslims about the true end of times

Franklin Graham shares the true end of times of the Islamic State.Reuters

Franklin Graham wants to shed light on the Islamic State's "deluded" belief about the end of times, saying that their false theology of Islam only encourages their radical terrorists to murder, rape, pillage, plunder and wreak havoc and destruction in the name of God.

Franklin wrote in an article for Charisma News that at the core of the Islamic State's doctrine is the belief that they are waging war against unbelievers in order to usher in the end of times, when they will ultimately triumph.

"Many Muslims believe that the Syrian town of Dabiq—near Aleppo—is the location predicted by the prophet Muhammad for this confrontation," he wrote.

But the Bible says something else entirely. "The Bible speaks of a great conflict at the end of the age that will be waged at a place called Armageddon. The location is often interpreted as the mountain of Megiddo, located on the north side of the plain of Jezreel and frequently identified in the Old Testament as a military stronghold," said Franklin.

During that battle, every foe of Jesus Christ will be vanquished and all who allied against Him will bow down and bend their knees to the Saviour, Franklin said as he quoted Revelations 16:14. The enemies of Jesus will be led by the devil, and they all blindly follow him to doom where they will be eternally punished for their unbelief and rebellion.

"This is why I want the followers of Islam to know there is a God who loves them, cares for them and sent His Son to die for them on the cross for the forgiveness of their sins," said Graham.

He added that people do not need to die in a holy war to please God, nor do they have to strap bombs to their chests to enter heaven. All they need to do is repent their sins and accept Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.

Franklin also believes that the only cure for corrupt ideologies and false religions is a personal encounter with God, and he has no doubt that even radical jihadists can be transformed into faithful servants of God with the help of Jesus.

"In the end, the one universal grievance that must be addressed by every person of every age is our own sin and rebellion against God. The only solution is a transformed heart," he stated.