Free 'Gauntlet' update to bring gameplay improvements, and new game mode

Arrowhead Studios website

Developer Arrowhead Studios will be redoing their "Gauntlet" title with a free update. Based on an announcement at Arrowhead Studios' site, it seems that the developers were not satisfied with how the game turned out; thus, they will be revamping it with a major update rather than doing small fixes piecemeal.

Arrowhead Studios' lead designer, Emil Englund said, "In truth, we were never fully satisfied with how Gauntlet turned out. So, rather than just fixing little things here and there, we have been working on the core of the game to turn it into what we originally envisioned." 

No specifics were mentioned, but Englund said that the major overhaul will touch on different areas of the game, including gameplay improvements and an addition of a new game mode.

He added, "This will mean a free major content update for the game, including improvements to the Campaign and the Colosseum as well as a brand new game mode." 

"Gauntlet" is a reboot done by Arrowhead Studios last year, from the original 1985 co-op hero questing title. The new game was released in September 2014 and most of hardcore role-playing and fantasy fans gave the title a "fair" and average score. 

Now, the game studdio hopes that by doing a major overhaul in their own version of "Gauntlet", both the fans of the original title and newer, casual players will get a taste of the classic but with more excitement and improved gameplay. 

Observers note that for a major "Gauntlet" update, Arrowhead Studios might take a leaf out of another role-playing fantasy game in its arsenal, "Helldivers." The company released the newer "Helldivers" in March this year, and the futuristic shooter-RPG title has enjoyed tremendous success to both players and reviewers alike that the company already released a couple of expansion packs with new content to continue and develop the title.