'Fresh Off the Boat' season 2 episode 14: Billie Jean King guest stars as Emery's tennis coach

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This week on "Fresh Off the Boat," the Huangs got a new Gateway desktop computer and were introduced to the Internet by Evan (Ian Chen). The family found an anonymous review of their restaurant at a website called Phil's Phaves, and everyone was shocked that Cattleman's Ranch only got a B-minus, which qualifies as a "Chinese F."

Evan taught his parents about email and Louis (Randall Park) and Jessica (Constance Wu) reached out to the website creator to invite him to review the restaurant again. Determined to earn a better grade, the family tried to make the restaurant more fun attaching googly eyes on the toothpick dispenser and even had the staff wear very small hats. The reviewer walked in, and he turned out to be Phil Goldstein (Michael Tsai), the child who abandoned Eddie (Hudson Yang) at a Beastie Boys concert.

Phil wasn't impressed and he downgraded the restaurant from a B-minus to a C-plus. In retaliation, the Huangs made a website to discredit Phil, and later, Phil told the school that he was a victim of compu-teasing and that he didn't have the heart to write anymore. Jessica admitted to what they have done, and soon the computer was banished to the back of their closet.

Next week, Louis and Jessica will focus on their middle child Emery (Forrest Wheeler) after finding out that he has the potential to be the next Chinese-American tennis super star. In the episode titled "Michael Chang Fever," the Huangs hire tennis legend Billie Jean King to take Emery to the next level, only to realize that she may be taking the training a little too far. Meanwhile, Evan is up to no good as he goes gambling, and Eddie must help his little brother pay off his gambling debt.

"Fresh Off the Boat" airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. on ABC.