From Eden to Eternity in just an hour

|PIC1|Could you squeeze the story of the Bible into a one hour long play? This challenge, presented to Saltmine Theatre Company last year by Wycliffe Bible Translators, has led to a new stage production of the story of the Bible entitled From Eden to Eternity which will tour 15 venues across England, Scotland and N Ireland during March.

But why does Wycliffe want to see a Bible show in the UK?

“It’s not just in far parts of the world that people need to hear the Bible story,” says Eddie Arthur, Executive Director of Wycliffe UK.

“Here in the UK we’ve been able to read the Bible for hundreds of years, and yet the number of Christians who read and study the Bible is falling year on year. One of the amazing privileges of working overseas with Wycliffe is to see the excitement in the faces of people when they get to understand God’s Word in their own language for the first time.

"We want to help the British church recapture that passion for the Bible. We want to see God’s message of love translated, not just into languages, but into lives!”

Saltmine is one of the UK’s premier Christian theatre companies. During the 2008 Christmas season they presented four shows across almost 90 venues in front of around 20,000 people. Past productions include The Cross and the Switchblade, The Hiding Place and The Screwtape Letters.

“There is something in From Eden to Eternity for everyone,” says Wycliffe UK’s Strategic Vision Director Kent Anderson. “Whether you’re a Christian who wants to be challenged again by the breadth and depth of the Bible, or you have a non-believing friend who you’d like to introduce to the message of God’s love for the first time, I would recommend coming to see the show.”

Tickets can be booked by calling the Saltmine Box Office on 01384 454808.