From Eden to Eternity in just one hour

Could you squeeze the story of the Bible into a one hour long play?
That’s exactly what Wycliffe Bible Translators challenged Saltmine Theatre Company to do in From Eden to Eternity.

The result is a show, lasting just a little longer than one hour, which traces the Bible story from the creation of the world through the birth life and crucifixion of Jesus Christ to the very end of time.

“It’s a bit like watching the Reduced Shakespeare Company”, commented one audience member after seeing the 2009 show in Southampton. “They pack a whole lot into such a short time.”

But why does Wycliffe Bible Translators, an organisation involved in translating the Bible around the world, want to see a Bible show in the UK?

“It’s not just in far-off parts of the world that people need to hear the Bible story,” says Eddie Arthur, Executive Director of Wycliffe Bible Translators in the UK.

“Here in the UK we’ve been able to read the Bible for hundreds of years, and yet the number of Christians who read and study the Bible is falling continually. Hopefully, this show will remind many of us of the personal impact of the Bible story.”

The show also presents the opportunity for audience members to support one of the many translation projects that Wycliffe Bible Translators are involved in.

“If the Bible has had a personal impact on your life, you can’t help but want to share that with someone else.” says Wycliffe’s Strategic Vision Director Kent Anderson.

“Last year’s tour raised money for a translation project taking place in Nigeria. Audiences were so supportive that four languages received enough funding to carry on work for another year.”

This year’s tour will be visiting 27 venues throughout England and Wales. Tickets are currently on sale, priced at £7 and are available online at, or by calling the box office 01384 454808.