From Land’s End to John O’Groats

|PIC1|From 17 to 31 of May, five brave men will cycle the length of the UK, from Land’s End to John O’Groats, in order to raise funds for Youth for Christ’s vital work among young people.

The team - made up of YFC's new national director Gavin Calver, Geoff Baxter, Kris Calver, Phil Knox and Lea Milligan - are trying to raise in excess of £25, 000 in sponsorship so that more young people can be given the opportunity to hear the Good News about Jesus.

The journey will be focused on prayer as the team will stop to pray together in locations along the route for the young people of Britain. There will be a total of 14 stages to the journey that will need to be completed if the team are to meet their deadline.

Beginning in Land’s End the team will travel to Par and then on to Moreton Hampstead before moving on to Bridgewater and Stroud, then through Ironbridge, Warrington and Kirrby Lonsdale in the first seven days. The team then move on to Scotland, travelling to Gretna, Cumnock, Ardlui and Spean Bridge and onwards to Dingwall, Helmsdale and finally John O’Groats.

The gruelling two-week challenge of completing a 950-mile ride will require a huge amount of stamina and much training beforehand.

Calver said he is looking forward to the challenge, but aware that it’s not going to be easy.

“We want to raise as much as possible so that more young people can be given the opportunity to encounter the love of Jesus," he said.

"The training is really hard and it is a huge challenge, but one that we are excited about tackling and that we hope will make a difference to the ministry of Youth for Christ.”

Other YFC members of staff and volunteers will be accompanying the team at various stages enroute. It is a huge challenge but one that they are excited about undertaking and that they hope will make a difference to the ministry of YFC.

For further information on the bike ride or to donate, go online to