Frozen 2 release date, plot news: Disney focusing on 'Beauty and the Beast' and 'Little Mermaid'? May be replaced by TV series

Queen Anna and Princess ElsaDisney

After the trememdous success of Disney's first Frozen movie, fans have been excited eversince for a sequel that allows them to delve deeper in the lives of the princesses Anna and Elsa and go on even more snowy adventures. However as the release date keeps being pushed ahead, many cant help but guess what is really keeping the movie from seeing daylight.

Strange speculations surround the release of Disney's Frozen 2 with rumour mills spewing out speculations such as Elsa being Disney's first gay princess and the snowman Oluf ending up falling in love with a human. Such silly assumptions are not new to the series since in the previous Frozen movie, many had claimed the song 'Let it Go' to be about coming out in public about homosexuality. It had taken the composers quite some effort to explain that the intent was really just about being your self and not trying too hard to concel your reality.

Frozen 2 was earlier scheduled to hit theatres in 2017 and more recently has been said to premier in 2018, while there are serious rumours about the idea having been shelved alltogether. While producers have not said anything definitive they have acknowledged a delay in making an official plot public.

The unforseen delay has many guessing that the francise is under pressure due to Disney's budget constraints. With Disney set to release two big titles 'Beauty and the Beast' and 'Little Mermaid', it is just possible that Frozen is being sidetracked for a little longer than expected. Others have gone to the extent of saying that a TV series will be put in place instead as a consolation.

In anycase, the Frozen 2 movie still has a chance at grabbing attention through the Christmas special that is going to be aired in 2017. Who knows the TV  series might give the movie the much needed push towards self realisation.

Meanwhile Kristen Bell, who is the voice behind Anna, has tried her best to explain that a delay n the production is nothing unusual since the scripts for such narrative movies do take longer to develop and that the team is till busy tweaking the script and story line, making sure its just perfect. Perhaps that is all that is really going on and Frozen 2 might hit theatres soon, contrary to all the creative specualtions.