Fusion puts event success down to 'Christianity without an agenda'

Fusion has put the success of its Olympic-related events down to the big welcome churches have given to all members of their local communities.

The youth ministry encouraged churches engaging in the Games to host "open crowd" festivals.

As the name suggests, the festivals were open to the whole community and placed an emphasis on allowing relationships to build naturally.

Thousands of people have attended the events in over 200 communities across the UK so far and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.

Joanna from Balham, London, wrote to the local churches after attending a festival.

She said: "It felt wonderful that our local community was able to host such an inclusive event which was open to all, and had something for everyone from children through to seniors.

"It is so important to keep communities together and in harmony with each other through inclusive events such as this one, which seemed to work as a model for the 'Big Society'."

The events have not only attracted Christians, but members of the community beyond the church.

One family wrote to their churches in Kirriemuir, Scotland and said: "Just wanted to say thank you on behalf of our family for last night’s amazing Olympic event.

"We had an absolutely wonderful time. Thank you for the brilliant organisation and for the obvious expense, also thanks to all the volunteers and the ladies who supplied endless burgers and cups of tea!

"Don't have much to do with religion any more, but we did think last night’s event was a demonstration of Christianity without an agenda."

Two police officers at a festival organised by churches in another London inner city community told organisers it meant a lot to them personally that the churches cared for the community enough to put on community events not just for themselves but for everyone.

Fusion Youth and Community coordinator for the 2012 events, Marty Woods said the feedback was a sign that something "very significant" had happened during the Olympics.

"The Christian church has been back where we belong, at the very heart of our communities, helping them be the kinds of places we all want them to be," he said.

The events were staged in conjunction with More Than Gold, the group coordinating church outreach during the Games.

"A major focus in our support of churches has been preparing them for this moment," Woods continued.

"All of a sudden many churches are finding they have established a number of fruitful relationships with their neighbours and other community organisations.

"We, in Fusion Youth and Community are committed to continue standing with churches who have made a start these past weeks.

"Our hope is that in most places, the Olympics will be the beginning of an ongoing process of community engagement."

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