G8 Leaders Call for an Immediate Halt to Middle East Violence

The world’s most powerful political leaders have struggled on Sunday to prevent Middle East violence from expanding to an even more extensive war. As the world’s G8 leaders met, they urged Israel to show “utmost restraint” during the difficult time, and blamed Islamic militant group Hezbollah and Hamas for instigating the unfolding crisis, which has now been ongoing for 5-days.

Other world problems were quickly set aside as the G8 heads addressed Israel’s attacks on Lebanon, and Hezbollah’s missile strikes on civilian targets in Israel.

As the G8 investigated the situation, they concluded that the violence was prompted by the capture of 2 Israeli soldiers by Hezbollah guerrillas in a raid from Lebanon, as well as Hamas’ rocket attacks in Gaza and the abduction of a third Israeli.

A G8 statement read: “These extremist elements and those that support them cannot be allowed to plunge the Middle East into chaos and provoke a wider conflict. The extremists must immediately halt their attacks.”