'G8 Prayer Initiative' for the G8 Summit in Georgia

The top leaders of the Group of Eight (G8) are holding their Annual Summit in Georgia, USA from 8th-10th June. The G8 leaders from the UK, USA, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and Russia will attend the summit.

Global Christian Leaders met on 3rd-6th June in the Atlanta area; and a Global Worship Summit was held on 5th June at Lilburn Alliance Church. There are also Prayer Summits running concurrently with the G8 Summit from 8th-10th June in various locations throughout Georgia.

The G8 Prayer Initiative has been organised to pray for the G8 leaders attending, and to discuss future decisions, and for peace throughout the world. G8 Prayer Initiative consists of the U.S. Strategic Prayer Network and the Institute for Global Affairs, a Christian organisation based in the United Kingdom and Canada.

These Summits pose significant influence on attempts to advance the gospel on a worldwide level. First of all, every single issues within the agenda of the global governmental organisations relate to the shape of the world, how it is governed, and what is considered acceptable and unacceptable. All of these affect the spiritual climate that reigns across the nations of the world, which directly affects the completion of the great commission.

In addition to this, the decisions made by global governmental organisations and their leaders serve to form global gateways into the heavens. G8 Prayer Initiative believes that the prayers regarding these global governmental gateway summits allow the governmental hand of God to make global decisions. Change at the global level means change for all nations.

The Prayer Points of G8 Prayer Initiative have been decided as:
1. Pray for each Head of State and their advisors. Pray that God will intervene in their opinions and the positions they form over the major issues that will be on their agenda.

2. Pray for the summit of church leaders who will be meeting one week prior to the G8 summit, and then again during the summit dates. Pray for clear revelation and direction in prayer so that God can rule in the midst of the decisions of these Kings of the Earth.

3. Begin to pray for the Spirit of God to come upon the Sea Island area - to dispel the powers of darkness and fill it with His Angelic forces.

4. Set aside the days of 8th-10th June. There will be at least 3 major worship/prayer summits in 3 different cities within the USA specifically gathering to worship and pray over these dates. There will also be several international prayer movements who will be joining together in prayer over these days.

5. Pray for the Core team, based in Atlanta as they prepare the body in the region and in the US for the G8 summit. Pray for wisdom and understanding as they see what to undo spiritually in Georgia that will aid the enemy in how he wants to use the G8 summit for destruction.

6. Pray that the authorities will discover any terrorist plots against the Heads of State.

For more information on the G8 Prayer Initiative, visit http://www.g8prayer.org or http://www.ifgaonline.com