Galaxy S7 release date: Could Samsung unveil new handset before end of 2015?

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Samsung's Galaxy S7 is already among the most highly anticipated devices of next year, but new rumors are suggesting that people may not even have to wait that long.

According to the Digital Spy UK, Samsung has reportedly decided to ramp up their smartphone cycles and the result of that is the Galaxy S7 could be officially unveiled by December of this year.

The S7 is reportedly expected to be ready by then and the belief is that Samsung will announce it as soon as possible. The company has reportedly been spooked by sales slowing down this year, and their hope is that the Galaxy S7 can provide them with that push back up to where they want to be.

It's worth noting that the rumors of a December unveiling for the Galaxy S7 have not been verified, not to mention uncharacteristic of what Samsung has done in the past.

In the past, Samsung has routinely used the Mobile World Congress (MWC), which will start Feb. 22 of next year, as the launching pad for their newest Galaxy phones. It is widely expected that such will still be the move of the company this time around. 

After Samsung debuts the phone during the MWC event in Barcelona next year, the Galaxy S7 is then expected to start hitting the stores sometime in March or perhaps a bit later on in April.

If there is any reason to believe that Samsung could launch the S7 earlier than expected this time around, people can look at the debut of the Galaxy Note 5 this year as possible evidence.

According to Expert Reviews UK, Galaxy Notes are usually launched during the IFA events held in September, but this year, Samsung changed course and announced the Note 5 about a month earlier.

It's unclear if what Samsung did for the Galaxy Note 5 has any significance moving forward, but people will find out soon enough as the end of the year draws closer.