Samsung Galaxy Tab S Pro news: Tablet's name registered in Korea

Samsung UK web site

Tech giant Samsung is gearing up for the second half of the year, with reports that the Korea-based company will be making some big announcements in the smartphone frontier with the upcoming releases of the Galaxy Note 5 and a new product in the Galaxy S6 lineup. However, with reports that fierce competitor Apple will be concentrating on both smartphones and tablets, it seems that Samsung will also be adding a new Galaxy Tab to its list of announcements. 

According to recent reports, Samsung had just finished applying for registration of a "Galaxy Tab S Pro" mark. This seems to indicate that aside from smartphones, Samsung will also be unveiling a new high-end tablet.

Although name registrations doesn't lend that much credence on how near a product will be launched, observers say that the timing of the application is not a coincidence – it has nearly been a year since Samsung launched any new tablets. In addition, an inadvertent slip in the changelog for Samsung's Milk Music last January named an upcoming Galaxy Tab S Pro slated for this year. 

Also, Samsung would need to refresh its premium Tab lineup to keep up with the competition. Not to mention the different hybrids from other tech companies, there are reports that Samsung's two fiercest competitors will be launching their very own premium tablets – a heavily overhauled Surface Pro 4 by Microsoft, and the rumored multi-tasker and iOS 9-powered new 12-inch iPad by Apple.

If the rumors are to be believed, the next Galaxy Tab will supposedly come as either an 8-inch or 9.7-inch version with the same Super AMOLED display and resolution – there are even reports that Samsung may take a page off Apple's playbook and come out with a 12-inch workhorse. Additionally, the new Galaxy Tab will be sporting an Exynos 7420 processor, at least 3 GB of RAM, 32 GB of expandable storage, and a mid-spec battery.