'Game of Thrones' season 5 episode 3 spoilers: Sansa in Winterfell, Arya in House of Black and White, Jon Snow's authority in Castle Black in 'All Men Must Serve'

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HBO's "Game of Thrones" is already on its third episode and things are getting more interesting. On Sunday, the main focus will be on The Starks, namely Sansa, Arya, and Jon Snow. 

Sansa Stark in Winterfell 

Littlefinger has brought Sansa Stark to Winterfell, which is now ruled by The Boltons. Roose Bolton has made a deal with Littlefinger that Sansa will wed his son Ramsay. At first, Sansa hesitates to give in to Littlefinger's plan, but he convinces the Stark daughter that this is the only way to avenge her family and take back their home. 

Arya Stark at the House of Black and White 

Arya wants to be a master assassin, but she cannot understand why she is made to work at the House of Black and White.

In the trailer, Jaqen H'ghar says, "All men must serve."

It looks like Arya has no choice but to follow the orders if she wants to start her training. 

Jon Snow at Castle Black 

Jon Snow refuses to join Stannis Baratheon's march toward the North as he is taking his position in Castle Black very seriously. He is now Lord Commander, but still, there are people there who do not respect him. What will Jon do with people who refuse to carry out his orders? 

The High Sparrow 

This episode is titled "High Sparrow" wherein a religious group is formally introduced by causing trouble with the High Septon. In the trailer, it seems like Cersei Lannister will be getting in the middle of this. 

The official synopsis for the episode goes: 

In Braavos, Arya sees the Many-Faced God. In King's Landing, Queen Margaery enjoys her new husband. Tyrion and Varys walk the Long Bridge of Volantis." 

For an additional spoiler, Tyrion is going to be abducted by someone who will bring him to Danaerys Targaryen. It won't be long until Tyrion and Mhysa meet. 

"Game of Thrones" season 5 episode 3 will air this Sunday, April 26, on HBO. Here is the trailer for the episode.