'Game of Thrones' season 5 spoilers, Episode 8 plot recap - Daenerys meets Tyrion Lannister

In Winterfell, Sansa asked Theon why he betrayed her to Ramsay when she tried to send an escape signal to Brienne. He simply told her that there's no escaping Ramsay. He said that he tried to escape, and Ramsay took everything from him that made him Theon until only Reek remained. Sansa said she doesn't feel so bad for him and reminded him that he killed her brothers. In the end, Theon confessed that he didn't kill Rickon and Bran — they're still alive.

Daenerys talks to Tyrion, on Game of ThronesYoutube Screenshot/ file

Meanwhile, after a very long journey, Tyrion finally met Daenerys. He introduced himself as "the greatest Lannister killer of our time." After learning about his identity, Dany asked him if he had any reason for her not to kill him.

"You want revenge against the Lannisters?" he responded. "I killed my mother on the day I was born. I killed my father Tywin Lannister with a bolt to the heart."

The two went back and forth, with Tyrion appearing to be quite at ease in the presence of the Mother of Dragons. At times, he was even playful and was flirting with her.

Tyrion told her about hearing of a baby who was born during the worst storm in living history and how the most informed person he knows told him that the baby is the last chance of building a better Westeros. He thought that she was worth meeting. When Dany asked him why she was worth meeting, Tyrion told her that she cannot build a better world on her own and that she needed him as her adviser.

When she asked him what she should do with Ser Jorah, Tyrion advised her not to kill him because a ruler who kills those devoted to her is not a ruler who inspires devotion. He told her to send Jorah away because she cannot have someone so clearly in love with her by her side when the time comes for her to sit on the Iron Throne. In the end, Dany agreed that Tyrion should stay on as her adviser.

In the north, Jon Snow and Tormund began their journey by boat to Hardhome, a Wildling city on the coast. They gathered the elders and told them about the dangers that are coming. Jon said that anyone who joins him in killing the White Walkers would get lands to farm and dragonglass blades. Most of the Wildlings agreed to fight with him.

Then, an army of White Walkers attacked Hardhome. Many of the Wildlings were killed by the attacking horde, and while everyone tried to get on the boats, Jon stayed behind to find the dragonglass blades. A White Walker attacked Jon and shattered every dragonglass blade he tried to use. Desperate, he raised Longclaw, his sword made of Valyrian steel, and when he slashed at the White Walker, the creature shattered.

When Jon and the rest of the men escaped on the boat, he saw a White Walker raise his arms, and those who died during the attack opened their eyes. With a growing sense of horror, Jon realized that the Walkers can grow an army from their dead, so how would they ever defeat them?

Next week, in the episode titled "Dance of Dragons," Stannis confronts a troubling decision, Jon returns to the Wall, Arya encounters someone from her past, and Dany oversees a celebration of athleticism.

"Game of Thrones" airs Sundays at 9 p.m. on HBO.