'Game of Thrones' season 6 spoilers: Bran takes control of his powers

Bran Stark in Game of Thrones season 6HBO

"Game of Thrones" season 6 is scheduled to premiere in April and the teaser trailer showcases the return of Brandon Stark (Isaac Hempstead-Wright), who was absent throughout season 5.

In a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly the actor shed more light on what Bran will be up to in season 6 and what powers he will have.

The actor revealed that Bran would be playing a far bigger role in season 6 than he has in previous seasons of the show. He also explained that he was approached by the showrunners very early on about his exclusion from season 5 and why it would make sense.

According to the actor, the series would fast-forward through Bran's training with the Three-Eyed Crow (now played by Max Von Sydow). The time jump was also compared to how Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) began his training in "The Empire Strikes Back" but was already a master Jedi by the beginning of "Return of the Jedi."

He then continued to explain how Bran's powers would evolve over the course of season 6.

"Previously, Bran's seen tiny glimpses of future or past but never has he been very much in control in the situation," Hempstead-Wright said. "Now we're given looks into very important events in the past, present and future of this world, and Bran is beginning to piece them together like a detective, almost as if he's watching the show. Equally, he's now discovering how crucial he could be in the Great War. It's quite 'Inception-y.'"

The Great War mentioned was also stated a few times in the show and in the books that the series is based on. It is a referrence to the upcoming war against the Walkers and their army of undead wights. This is the same war that Stannis Baratheon (Stephen Dillane) believed he would win if he was truly Azor Ahai reborn.

"Game of Thrones" season 6 premieres in April 2016.